Huntington Botanical Gardens

I recently stopped by the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena, CA for the first time after what seems like years of reading about the trips of others. I was truly surprised by the size of the grounds and variety of plants across the many themed gardens!
The Huntington is like Disneyland for plant aficionados - complete with a 'Main Street". Along both sides of this alley are many patios for small groups, families or just individuals to relax. I thought it was a brilliant idea!
At end of the entrance alley is a rill with paths on either side leading visitors toward the heart of the botanical gardens.
Of course I was looking forward to the Desert Garden in a big way but I truly enjoyed walking through the rest of the gardens as well.
There was a lot to be inspired by in the Desert Garden.

There were magic spots hidden throughout the garden.

The collector in me found many plants to admire.
There's something to be said for mass planting.
Most of the Desert Garden feels like a "collectors garden" which is what you would expect of a botanical garden... a few of everything. There are a few sections (like the above and below shots) that look as if a designer had some input.

If I get the chance I'll plant a few of these Boojum trees in my front yard!
It was mid November when I took these pictures which means lots of dramatic lighting was free for all.

There seemed to be a lot of intriguing, off limit paths such as the one above - not to mention several older parts of the Desert Garden closed for renovation.
Each of these cuttings was around 4 ft long and could have made small trees! They were headed for the mulcher.

Always good to see a friend in the garden and compare it to my own specimens growing back home.
Aloe tororoana is completely new to me. What caught my attention was the red blooms and thin, dark, reddish brown stems. Had they not been in bloom I probably would have walked right past them.
I took a lot of pictures - but too much of a good thing can get old. I have to admit that after walking through the gardens for hours I felt a bit overwhelmed. There is definately enough to keep you busy for an entire day - but you might be exausted at the end. I broke my visit into 2 half days - not on purpose but it ended up being a happy accident.
Until next time - hans